Search by Date

Due to the different booking agencies on the website, we do not currently have one form to search all of them.
To search by Date Availability, use either of the forms below or click on the banner ads. These search forms will take you to external Cottage Booking Websites.

var uri = '' + new String (Math.random()).substring (2, 11);

var uri = '' + new String (Math.random()).substring (2, 11);
document.write(''); have an excellent selection of cottages in the South West of England including Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset

Blue ChipHolidays have a a large selection of apartments and cottages in the South West of England including Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset

For a large selection in South Devon, use the following

Imagine Ireland have a good selection of propeties throughout Ireland

Belvilla are a Dutch owned company with properties throughout Europe

Basic Travel are a European agency with around 1000 properties available. They have a good selection in France